… and again, more females than males in 2023

The results of the gender determination for 2023 are available: In total considerably more females (11/13) than males (2/13) were captured. This bias in the sex composition was already observed in the previous year as well as in the previous project DIVER. Whether this recurring observation...

Work until sunrise

The first field trip of the second field season in 2023 was successfully completed and we caught, ringed and equipped a total of 10 red-throated divers with transmitters. Most of the divers were moulting (from winter plumage to breeding plumage) but some were already fully...

First birds leave German bight

After the red-throated divers have been successfully equipped with loggers in the last weeks, most of them are still in the North Sea. However, some of them are already on their way to their breeding grounds, for example the red-throated diver with the logger number...

Release of a diver

After red-throated divers were equipped with internal loggers, they were kept in padded and well-ventilated transport boxes in a quiet place before being released as close as possible to where they were captured. Divers which were equipped with external loggers were released immediately after the...

External or implanted loggers?

During our fieldwork, we equipped red-throated divers with external as well as implanted loggers. The decision about which logger type to use for which animal depended, among other things, on whether the bird was moulting. In spring, divers moult from their wintering plumage into breeding...

Successful first field season

The first field season in the DiverLog project was completed very successfully. Within the last 3 months, the catching team spent 6 nights in the German bay west of Sylt to catch red-throated divers from a dinghy equipped with a spotlight and a hand net. In...

DIVERLOG website goes online

After successful completion of the DIVER Project, we are entering phase two. Beginning in March 2022 we will focus on Red-throated Divers. Aim of the new study to use novel GPS technology to not only record detailed movement data of individual birds during the winter,...